
Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Matua Punehu

On monday Te Puna Wairua my class got a new pouako hou.  His Favourite food is haangi, kaimoana and fried bread. He's good at mau rakau and loves his Whānau. He is 24 years old and his favourite brand is hunting and fishing.

Pepeha Matua Punehu
Ko Hauturu te manga
Ko Manaia te awa
Ko Tīkapa te moana
Ko Ngāti Pukenga te iwi 
Ko Te Kou-ō-Rēhua te tangata

Ko Mātaatua te waka

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Tooku Hararei

On the friday after school I went to Joshua’s place and they were going to Sylvia Park so i had to go home but Matua Randolph asked me “no don’t go home you can come with us” and then he asked “do you have a bike”  and I said “yes”so me and Josh went back and got my bike Matua Randolph was riding an electric scooter. We had left to go to Sylvia Park. We saw this boy called Shawn he was our mate we had to take him back to Joshua’s house Matua Randolph took him back to his house and Matua Randolph said “carry on and i will see you there”. When we got there and we both got 5 dollars. First me and Josh went to Kmart to look at Josh’s bike that he brought from there. Next we went to the Warehouse i we looked at the phone and the games. I Brought a drink and a feed at Macdonald. After the feed me and Josh went back to Matua Randolph we left To go back to Joshua’s. I had dinner over Josh’s house. After that i had to go home.